When you fill up your car, install your furniture or choose a wedding ring, do you ever consider the human cost of your consumables? There is a war raging in the heartlands of Peru, waged on the land by the global industries plundering the Amazon and the Andes. In Saweto, charismatic activist Edwin Chota returns to his ashaninka roots, only to find that his people can’t hunt for food because the animals have fled the rainforest to escape the chainsaw cacophony of illegal logging. Farmer Maxima is trying to grow potatoes and catch fish on the land she bought from her uncle – but she’s sitting on top of a gold mine, and the miners will do anything to prove she’s occupying her home illegally. This volume provides deep insight into the cultures alive in the vanishing Amazon.
Author Joseph Z�rate Published by Granta Books ISBN 9781783786152 EAN 9781783786152 Bic Code Cover Paperback