Have you ever struggled to feel good enough? Do you find that you treat yourself worse than you’d ever treat a friend or family member? ‘Everyone’s A Critic’ is a powerful, potentially life-changing exploration of self-criticism, which psychotherapist Julia Bueno has found to be at the centre of almost all the problems that clients bring to her consulting room. Built around beautifully written case studies drawn from Julia’s own practice, Bueno’s book argues that self-criticism is a universal issue that most of us need to tackle in order to have a happier life – and gives readers a variety of stories and tools in order to begin to help themselves.
Everyone’s a critic
Religion & PhilosophyAuthor Julia Bueno Published by Virago ISBN 9780349014579 EAN 9780349014579 Bic Code VSP|MKMT5|MKZ|VS Cover Paperback