Unravelling the Silk Road

Author Alexander, Chri Aslan Published by Icon Books ISBN 9781837731206 EAN 9781837731206 Bic Code WTL|WCV|RNP|RNT Cover Paperback


Product ID: 71063 SKU: 9781837731206 Category:

Three textile roads tangle their way through Central Asia. The famous Silk Road united east and west through trade. Older still was the Wool Road, of critical importance when houses made from wool enabled nomads to traverse the inhospitable winter steppes. Then there was the Cotton Road, marked by greed, colonialism and environmental disaster. At this intersection of human history, fortunes were made and lost through shimmering silks, life-giving felts and gossamer cottons. Chris Aslan, who has spent fifteen years living and working in the region, expertly unravels the strands of this tangled history.