Dexter Procter the 10-year-old doctor

Author Adam Kay Published by Puffin ISBN 9780241668597 EAN 9780241668597 Bic Code YFQ|YFMF|YNKG|YNTA|YFN|YFS Cover Hardback


Product ID: 72954 SKU: 9780241668597 Category:

It was clear from an early age that Dexter Procter was different. He started speaking at four seconds old. By the age of three, he had 87 A-levels, from Afrikaans to Zoology. And by ten, he was working as a paediatrician at Lilydale General Hospital. Despite a loving but annoying family and a couple of good friends (Rupi and Otto), Dexter’s always struggled to fit in. Add to this a mortal enemy (Dr Drake) and a major problem at his old school (all the teachers struck down with awful diarrhoea) – will Dexter be able to save his job, save the school and find his place in the world? (Spoiler alert: yes!).