Milo’s hat trick

Author Jon Agee Published by Scallywag Press ISBN 9781915252807 EAN 9781915252807 Bic Code YND|YNXW|YXD Cover Paperback


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Product ID: 74323 SKU: 9781915252807 Category:

Milo the Magnificent is the world’s least magnificent magician. He can’t even pull a rabbit out of his hat! When Mr. Popovich gives him one more chance, Milo knows he has no choice: he has to go out and catch a rabbit for his act. Instead, he catches a bear. And the bear promises to help! Into the hat he dives. Milo rides the train home, sure his act will go off perfectly tonight. But when he arrives in his dressing room, he discovers that he left his hat – and the bear – on the train. Meanwhile, across town, a man in a restaurant has a very familiar hat. Can Milo get his hat back in time for his act?