Impossible monsters

Author Michael Taylor Published by Vintage ISBN 9781529931341 EAN 9781529931341 Bic Code QRAM3|NHTB|PSAJ|PDX|PDZ|RBX|WN Cover Paperback


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In 1811, a twelve-year-old girl uncovered some strange-looking bones in Britain’s southern shoreline – and so sparked a crisis that would engulf science and religion for the next six decades. By its end, the literal reading of the Bible had been overturned, science had been liberated from religion and the secular age had begun. ‘Impossible Monsters’ takes us into the lives and minds of the extraordinary men and women whose discovery of the dinosaurs revolutionised our understanding of the world, as well as those who resisted them and those, like Charles Darwin, who took great risks to construct a new account of the earth’s and mankind’s origins.