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An Improbable Life: The Autobiography

Trevor McDonald


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Product ID: 773 SKU: 9781474614771 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Sir Trevor McDonald is an extraordinary man – and he has led an improbable life. Now in his 80th year, he is known and loved by people the world over for his humility, charm and natural ease. As a natural storyteller and communicator, he has few equals. In this book, Sir Trevor recounts his personal experience of world events and interviews with globally famous – or notorious – figures. He has witnessed war and death and risked his own life to meet and talk with despots and liberators. We read about his first trip to South Africa, and obtaining the first British television interview with Nelson Mandela; his reflections on the Windrush generation; and experiencing Barack Obama’s momentous inauguration as President of the USA. We are also present at his dramatic meetings with Saddam Hussein (the first and only one by a British television correspondent) and Muammar Gaddafi.

Author Trevor McDonald Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 9781474614771 EAN 9781474614771 Bic Code Cover Paperback