Daughters of the Nile

Author Zahra Barri Published by Unbound Firsts ISBN 9781800183124 EAN 9781800183124 Bic Code FBA|JBSJ2|QRAM2|QRVP7|VFDW|JPZ Cover Paperback


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Paris, 1940. The course of Fatiha Bin-Khalid’s life is changed forever when she befriends Muslim feminist Doria Shafik. But after returning to Egypt and dedicating years to the fight for women’s rights, she struggles to reconcile her political ideals with the realities of motherhood. Cairo, 1966. After being publicly shamed when her relationship with a bisexual boyfriend is revealed, Fatiha’s daughter is faced with an impossible decision. Should Yasminah accept a life she didn’t choose, or will she leave her home and country in pursuit of independence? Bristol, 2011. British-born Nadia is battling with an identity crisis and a severe case of herpes. Feeling unfulfilled (and after a particularly disastrous one-night stand), she moves in with her old-fashioned Aunt Yasminah and realises that she must discover her purpose in the modern world before it’s too late.