Dead tired

Author Kat Ailes Published by Zaffre ISBN 9781804180938 EAN 9781804180938 Bic Code FF|WH|VFXB|WND Cover Hardback


Product ID: 68532 SKU: 9781804180938 Category:

With her son, Jack, fast approaching his first birthday, Alice is keen to continue to keep him alive and maybe finally catch up on some sleep … if she’s lucky. When an opportunity presents itself in the unexpected form of a sit-in protest, Alice and her friends willingly chain themselves to trees and settle in for some overdue rest. But the next morning one of their fellow protestors is found strangled and any hope of a blissful interlude is suddenly swept away on a tide of hysteria involving rogue artists, an enigmatic local entrepreneur and nude protesting (optional) – a surprising, but not necessarily unwelcome, break from changing nappies and cleaning Weetabix off the dog.