Dinner with Matisse

Author Mun?in, Iratxe de Published by Thames & Hudson Australia ISBN 9781760762728 EAN 9781760762728 Bic Code WZ Cover Other


Product ID: 45049 SKU: 9781760762728 Category:

Piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring Henri Matisse’s world to life in this colourful 1000-piece puzzle. Bonjour and welcome to Henri Matisse’s studio at the H?tel R?gina. An intimate dinner party or collage of chaos? Grab your scissors and join Pablo Picasso, Andr? Derain and the Cone sisters, along with three very special brioche-eating cats, for a fauvist feast in this 1000-piece puzzle. Piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring Matisse’s colourful world to life.