Fairy Freeze

Author Hannah Shaw Published by Usborne Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781801316736 EAN 9781801316736 Bic Code YFQ|YNMW|YNXB|YFC|YFH|YFP Cover Paperback


Product ID: 72467 SKU: 9781801316736 Category:

Princess Pea and Unipiggle are thrilled when snow comes to Twinkleland! Overnight, the kingdom of Twinkleland is transformed into a winter wonderland. Unipiggle and Princess Pea can’t wait to have fun in the snow, but the Queen is worried. The Festive Fairies still haven’t delivered their usual sparkle and cheer for the annual Snow Ball held at Twinkleland Palace. Not only that, but Unipiggle and Princess Pea discover that the rest of Twinkleland are still waiting for their visit from the Festive Fairies too. It’s a disaster! With the snow beginning to melt, and nothing ready for the Snow Ball, Unipiggle and Princess Pea must adventure down into the magical Fairy Well Dell to find out what’s wrong with the fairies because if they can’t solve the Fairy Freeze, the Snow Ball will be ruined!