Fat loss habits

Author Ben Carpenter Published by Short Books ISBN 9781780726052 EAN 9781780726052 Bic Code VFM Cover Paperback


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Good habits are powerful. They bring about change one step at a time, until it becomes second nature. But when it comes to fat loss, too often the focus is on bad habits. We’re bombarded with articles and videos telling us why this food is bad, or this food is good, or this food is poison, and so forth. It makes the internet a hard place to navigate when looking for basic nutrition advice, and it’s not surprising that so many of us feel confused about what to eat. Ben Carpenter is a fitness coach, research nerd and trusted source of no bullshit fat loss information who has spent his entire adult life working in the fitness industry, researching the real science behind fat loss and answering questions with simple, unbiased answers.