Struggling to comprehend the shocking death of his teenage daughter, Iris, Ben Goldsmith finds solace in nature by immersing himself in plans to rewild his Somerset farm. In July 2019, Ben Goldsmith tragically lost his beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter, Iris, in an accident on their family farm in Somerset. Iris was sparkling, charismatic and intelligent, with a lifelong love of nature that she shared with her father. She was the centre of her family’s world, and her death left her family and friends devastated. In the aftermath of Iris’ death, Ben found solace in nature. It became a vital source of meaning, hope, and even joy as Ben undertook the task of rewilding his family home of Cannwood in Somerset’s Brewham Valley in Iris’ honour.
God is an octopus
BiographyAuthor Ben Goldsmith Published by Bloomsbury Wildlife ISBN 9781399408363 EAN 9781399408363 Bic Code DNC|DNBA|RNKH|VFJX|WMQN|WNC Cover Paperback