Going infinite

Author Michael Lewis Published by Penguin Books ISBN 9781802063516 EAN 9781802063516 Bic Code DNC|JPHV|KCX|KCY|KFF Cover Paperback


Product ID: 72188 SKU: 9781802063516 Category:

Sam Bankman-Fried wasn’t just rich. Before he turned thirty he’d become the world’s youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for his time. At one point he considered paying off the entire national debt of the Bahamas so he could take his business there. Then it all fell apart. Who was this Gatsby of the crypto world, a rumpled guy in cargo shorts, whose eyes twitched across TV interviews as he played video games on the side, who even his million-dollar investors still found a mystery? What gave him such an extraordinary ability to make money – and how did his empire collapse so spectacularly?