How migration really works

Author Haas, Hein de Published by Penguin Books ISBN 9780241998779 EAN 9780241998779 Bic Code JBFH|JHBC|JPQB|JPSL|JPA Cover Paperback


Product ID: 71710 SKU: 9780241998779 Category:

Global migration is not at an all-time high. Climate change will not lead to mass migration. Immigration mainly benefits the wealthy, not workers. Border restrictions have paradoxically produced more migration. These statements might sound counter-intuitive or just outright wrong – but the facts behind the headlines reveal a completely different story to the ones we’re told about migration. In this revelatory book, based on more than three decades of research, leading expert Professor Hein de Haas explodes myths from left to right that politicians, interest groups and media regularly spread about migration.