Impossible things

Author Dan Schreiber Published by Wren & Rook ISBN 9781526366382 EAN 9781526366382 Bic Code YNG|YNRU|YNXB Cover Paperback


Product ID: 70684 SKU: 9781526366382 Category:

Did dinosaurs land on the moon 66 million years before us? Is the Loch Ness monster really a ghost? Should cats be in charge of protecting countries from Earthquakes? Are imaginary friends mysteriously turning into real people? Investigate the weird, the wacky and the downright bizarre questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to (and some you hadn’t even thought of!) with podcaster and fact-detective Dan Schreiber. And learn how to become an Impossible Investigator too, so you can sort the fact from fiction. But be warned, when you read a book about impossible things; impossible things might start happening to you too.