Jobs for the girls

Author Graham, Ysenda Maxtone Published by Abacus ISBN 9780349144412 EAN 9780349144412 Bic Code NH Cover Paperback


Product ID: 72399 SKU: 9780349144412 Category:

Drawn from real life, from interviews with women from all sections of society who have ever had a job, this book is a portrait of British women’s working lives from 1950, through cardigans and pearls, via mini-skirts and bottom-pinching, to shoulder pads and the ping of the first emails (early 1990s), never forgetting overalls, aprons and uniforms. Graham conveys the full range of experience: to convey the flavour and atmosphere of workplaces in all their character: the jollities as well as the drudgeries, the good men as well as the vile ones, the nasty women as well as the heroines, the office crushes and romances, the daily drudgery, the lunch hours, the parties, the great piles of paper all over the place, the family-feel of workplaces, the daily burden of trying to run a household and family as well.