Move like water

Author Hannah Stowe Published by Granta Books ISBN 9781783788606 EAN 9781783788606 Bic Code DNC|WNCS1|DNBP1|JPFA|RNK|WTL|W Cover Paperback


Product ID: 68832 SKU: 9781783788606 Category:

The seas cover over two thirds of our planet and yet most of us live our lives on land, creatures of a different element, at once fascinated and terrified by the beauty and power of these great bodies of water. There are some, though, who go to sea, who get to know its many moods – the tranquil and mirror-like, the raging and ripple-swept – and who bring back with them their stories of wonder and warning. Hannah Stowe is one such sea-goer and one such storyteller. Drawing on her expertise as a marine biologist and sailor, and her experiences in the North Sea, the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the North Sea, the Celtic Sea, and the Caribbean, ‘Move Like Water’ is an exploration of the human relationship with the sea, the powerful impression it has made on our culture, and the terrible damage we have inflicted upon its ecosystems.