New wild order

Author Andy Hamilton Published by Scribe UK ISBN 9781915590305 EAN 9781915590305 Bic Code DNC|RNKH2|JMAP|WNPB|VSZ|SZV|VS Cover Hardback


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Product ID: 81228 SKU: 9781915590305 Category:

This book is not about aspirational living; it’s about practical living. It’s about looking at the world around you and finding where it’s at fault, rather than blaming yourself. It’s about dropping the comfortable prisons we create for ourselves to find the real freedom and happiness we deserve. We live in a world that is overfed but malnourished, sunlight deficient, overly competitive, sedentary, and sleep deprived. Our blood pressure and stress levels are at record highs, our mental health at record lows. Our eyes are strained from looking at screens all the time, and our backs are killing us. We buy far too much of what we don’t need, and we aren’t even pooing in the right position! Yet step outside, maybe walk a few minutes down the road, and you will inevitably see plants bursting with nourishment, hear calming birdsong, breathe in fresh air, move your stiff body.