Rivets, trivets and galvanised buckets

Author Tom Fort Published by Headline ISBN 9781472291950 EAN 9781472291950 Bic Code DN|KCZ|NHD Cover Paperback


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Tom Fort celebrates a quintessential cornerstone of any village in Britain – the shop – in this case a century-old hardware shop his daughter-in-law bought eighteen months before the pandemic struck the UK to run herself in their beautiful Berkshire village, outside of Reading. The family’s dream of developing the shop into one that would become the centre of village life certainly did come true, but for a very different set of circumstances. ‘Rivets, Trivets and Galvanised Buckets’ interweaves the evolution of the shop, its previous owners, and the history of the items it sells, to its customers to present a delightful study of community and the eccentricities of ordinary people.