The black crescent

Author Jane Johnson Published by Apollo ISBN 9781804546239 EAN 9781804546239 Bic Code FV|FBA|FFH|FRH Cover Paperback


Product ID: 69065 SKU: 9781804546239 Category:

Hamou Badi is born in a mountain village with the magical signs of the zouhry on his hands. In Morocco, the zouhry is a figure of legend, a child of both humans and djinns, capable of finding all manner of treasure: lost objects, hidden water. But instead, Hamou finds a body. This unsolved murder instils in Hamou a deep desire for order and justice: he trains as an officer of the law, working for the French in Casablanca. But the city is trapped in the turmoil of the nationalist uprising, and soon he will be forced to choose between all he knows and all he loves.