The burning time

Author Peter Hanington Published by Baskerville ISBN 9781529305296 EAN 9781529305296 Bic Code FHP|FF|FH Cover Paperback


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Australian inventor and geo-engineer Clive Winner is the genius who brought the Great Barrier Reef back from the brink, yet his ambition goes well beyond that. He wants to save the planet. To Winner, climate change is just another engineering problem, and he is determined to find the solution. For the all-powerful fossil fuel industry, Winner is their ‘get out of jail free card’. If he can engineer a solution to a rapidly warming planet then this trillion-dollar business can continue as usual. The stakes – both financial and moral – are high. But does Winner still believe his own lucrative brand of ambitious climate engineering holds the answer? With the Paris Climate conference looming on the horizon, scientists in the same field as Winner begin to disappear in suspicious circumstances.