‘The Counterfeit Countess’ tells the remarkable, untold story of ‘Countess Janina Suchodolska’, a Jewish woman named Janina Mehlberg who rescued more than 10,000 Poles imprisoned by their country’s Nazi occupiers. Janina Mehlberg operated in Lublin, headquarters of Aktion Reinhard, the SS operation that murdered 1.7 million Jews in occupied Poland. Using the identity papers of a Polish aristocrat, she worked as a welfare official while also serving in the Polish resistance. With guile, cajolery, and steely persistence, ‘the Countess’ persuaded SS officials to release thousands of Poles from the Majdanek concentration camp. She won permission to deliver food, clothing and medicine for thousands more of the camp’s prisoners. She also personally smuggled supplies and messages to resistance fighters imprisoned at Majdanek, where 63,000 Jews were murdered in gas chambers and shooting pits.
The counterfeit Countess
BiographyAuthor Elizabeth B. White Published by John Blake Publishing ISBN 9781789467505 EAN 9781789467505 Bic Code DNC Cover Paperback
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