The Full Moon Coffee Shop

Author Mai Mochizuki Published by Brazen ISBN 9781914240928 EAN 9781914240928 Bic Code FBA|FYT Cover Hardback


Product ID: 72234 SKU: 9781914240928 Category:

Based on the Japanese myth of cats returning favours to humans who are kind to them, ‘The Full Moon Coffee Shop’ is the name of a peculiar cake cafe that is run by talking cats, which has no fixed location and instead materialises unpredictably on the night of a full moon. The protagonists of this story – a successful female scriptwriter in crisis, a heartbroken TV director, and two male entrepreneurs – all end up there in the middle of the night, in a semi-dream-like state, and receive life-changing advice on love, work, and relationships from a charismatic tortoiseshell cat who interprets his guests’ astrological chart. The Western horoscope comes into play, as well as the life phases, one for each planet, that guide what lessons we have or haven’t allowed ourselves to learn. Meanwhile, the customers are served a selection of drinks and sweet treats tailored perfectly to their needs.