The lost cause

Author Cory Doctorow Published by Head of Zeus ISBN 9781035902279 EAN 9781035902279 Bic Code FLP|FBA|FDB Cover Paperback


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It’s thirty years from now. We’re making progress, mitigating climate change, slowly but surely. But what about all the angry old people who can’t let go? For young Americans a generation from now, climate change isn’t controversial. It’s just an overwhelming fact of life. And so are the great efforts to contain and mitigate it. Entire cities are being moved inland from the rising seas. Vast clean-energy projects are springing up everywhere. Disaster relief, the mitigation of floods and superstorms, has become a skill for which tens of millions of people are trained every year. The effort is global. It employs everyone who wants to work. ‘The Lost Cause’ asks: What do we do about people who cling to the belief that their own children are the enemy? When, in fact, they’re often the elders that we love?