The November witches

Author Jennifer Claessen Published by UCLan Publishing ISBN 9781915235701 EAN 9781915235701 Bic Code YFH Cover Paperback


Product ID: 56400 SKU: 9781915235701 Category:

No witch is excited about gloomy magic-free November apart from young hag Clemmie who is relieved to finally be done with October’s magical mess. But if there’s no more magic, then where are all the armour-clad knights coming from? When even their enemy coven, the Morgans, don’t have any answers, the Merlyns are on the run. Neither the Morgan or Merlyn covens want to burn so they will have to work together to solve the mystery of where the witch-hunting knights and the all-engulfing flames are coming from. Will Clemmie be able to find her voice in time to save her family?