Yes! no? maybe so…

Author Julie Beer Published by National Geographic Kids ISBN 9781426375736 EAN 9781426375736 Bic Code YNG|YPMT|YNT|YNX Cover Hardback


Product ID: 70824 SKU: 9781426375736 Category:

Some questions have simple answers. And other questions? Well, it’s complicated. That’s where this book comes in. We’re tackling head-scratching – sometimes serious and sometimes totally wacky – questions whose answers aren’t so black and white. We’ll dig into the possibilities, analyze the what-ifs, and give plenty of science to back it up. In these pages, explore the deepest depths of the ocean, the farthest edges of our universe, the ancient past, and dreams of the future. Find out what’s stopping us from digging a hole right through the center of planet Earth. (And what it would be like if we could!) Tackle the ins and outs of living in virtual reality, find out whether fish feel wet all the time, and get a sightseeing checklist for a vacation to the moon.