Zao fan

Author Michael Zee Published by Bloomsbury ISBN 9781526657282 EAN 9781526657282 Bic Code WB Cover Hardback


Product ID: 66233 SKU: 9781526657282 Category:

Breakfast in China is an important affair. At dawn, the streets come alive with vendors setting up for the morning breakfast rush. Each will have their speciality that they make day in, day out, honing their recipe over years, and even generations. Locals are spoilt for choice, with a huge variety of spicy noodles, plump dumplings and fluffy buns all made fresh to order right on their doorsteps. Michael Zee, creator of the popular SymmetryBreakfast account, has eaten his way around China, hunting down the very best versions of these morning favourites and recreating them at home so that you can too. In China, these are recipes devised for speed and convenience and so are also perfect for filling lunches, nourishing dinners and quick and tasty snacks. With Michael as your tour guide, get fully immersed in one of the most exciting and diverse food cultures in the world.